Office of Electronic Communications
In 2015, we designed and implemented the Measurement and Control Tool (NPK) in the Office of Electronic Communications. It is intended for evaluation of broadband network parameters. Used to control the parameters of the Internet access service provided by telecommunications operators. NPK users can be: telecommunications entrepreneurs, local government units, public administrations, entrepreneurs involved in the construction of public e-services and digital content on the Internet, public e-users and digital content available on the broadband Internet.
For measuring the quality of Internet access services, devices and measurement applications are available on all popular desktop and mobile hardware platforms. The key advantage of NPK is the combination of the highest measurement accuracy with fully centralized and automated management of the system components. Measurement devices have functionality and accuracy comparable to the best on the market of laboratory measuring devices. At the same time, the measurements performed by them are managed automatically so that the measurement and processing of results can be optimized. Thanks to these advantages, the NPK tool outperforms other commercially available measuring tools. The project has been developed for applications for fixed and mobile platforms: Windows, Linux, MAC OS, Android, Windows Phone, ios. Developed and implemented algorithms for measuring RTD, MDR, Jitter, PLR, DNS parameters. Software development includes: Eclipse, Java FX 8, ObjectiveC, Apache Maven 3, Java2EE, Spring 4.1.4, Spring Security 3.2.5, Spring JDBC 4.1.4, JavaServer Faces (JSF 2.2), C #, Java SE . In addition, thanks to the great versatility and compatibility of NPK - the author's tool of our company - is aimed at a wide audience.