Smart City LAB

SmartCityLab is an initiative of science, business and administration. Its aim is to increase the potential and competitiveness of the Polish economy and to build and develop a modern society in a rapidly changing global economy. Each of these sectors brings the necessary elements without which it is impossible to achieve the intended effects. Universities provide future professionals who can create contemporary reality. Business has the right resources so that future professionals have adequate work tools. On the other hand, the administration creates an area where cooperation takes place. High technology companies (Hitachi, OandS, Samsung, SigFox) and large urban centers (Wałbrzych, Ruda Śl.). Are among the founders of the project (Katowice University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Wroclaw University of Technology) , Bytom, Katowice, Gliwice, Chorzów, Zabrze).   SEE SMART CITY LAB


Wojewódzki Szpital Zespolony w Elblągu (Provincial Hospital in Elblag)


O&S puts on knowledge-based solutions and many years of experience. Learning is our passion, we are constantly evolving to find the solutions best suited to the needs of our customers. Thanks to cooperation with numerous R & D units, we keep up with new technological trends and successfully use them for further projects. Thanks to the use of innovative methods of work, we are able to offer our clients not only IT services but also consulting in the field of selection and implementation of tailor-made solutions.
  • Eclipse
  • Java FX 8
  • ObjectiveC
  • Apache Maven 3
  • Java2EE
  • Spring 4.1.4
  • Spring Security 3.2.5
  • C#